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Discovering & sharing heartbeats
Discovering and understanding "the new" requires a level of humbleness and engagement best experienced in a direct contact. In many places around the world, new impact innovations or social projects are popping up every day - and hearing or reading about them is not enough to fully understand their context, their intention or potential. Our Impact Journeys make sure you see the faces behind each business, organisation or project, and come face to face with the real transformations, as they happen.
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”
— Soren Kierkegaard
Apart from discovering "the new", Impact Journeys are a great way to engage with your partners, communities and your team. They are a great way to re-confirm the values and missions that drive your work, and serve as a platform to motivate and empower people you work with. We have recently organized virtual journeys too and we confirm that their effect is as powerful as the in-person travels - but of course much easier on the budget.
Based on our diverse network of partners, we offer impact journeys in the following fields:
- Social Entrepreneurship (start-ups & initiatives)
- Purpose-driven companies (+50 employees)
- Civil society organisations
- Grassroots
- Entrepreneurship Eco-system players
So far, we have organised the following Impact Journeys:​
- Virtual Tour / Itambira Paradise Eco-Hub (2020)
- Western Balkans, 2017 and 2019
- North Macedonia, 2018 and 2019
- Uganda and Rwanda (combined), 2013 and 2019
- Kenya, 2019
We don't offer fixed prices - simply because every partnership or collaboration is different.
In our prices we consider the size of the company, tasks and timeline - let's have a chat, so we can provide you with a personal offer!
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